Covington C. vs Usman K. will be the Welterweight bout between the champion Kamaru Usman and the #1 contender Colby Covington. The fight will be held at Madison Square Garden (New York). This should be a very intense and interesting fight, the last they fought, the fight was going even on the scorecards, but Usman managed to finish Colby at the last minute. To have more insights on this fight, please read our preview below.
Colby Covington
Since his loss against Usman, Colby fought only once against a former Welterweight champion Tyron Woodley. Covington won via TKO and demanded his rematch ever since. This fight should be very similar to the last one because both fighters are amazing wrestlers, therefore both should prefer fighting in stand-up. Hard to say if Colby managed to improve his skills in stand-up since he fought only once, however, he has a good fighting IQ, speed, technique and experience and cardio. Also, he might be prepared some tricks to surprise the current champion. There is no doubt that Colby is one of the best welterweights ever, nevertheless, he will need all of his skills to beat Usman.
Kamaru Usman
Since his win against Colby, Usman fought 3 times and won all those fights. Two of them were finished. It is starting to look, that Usman might be this generation GSP. There are not many holes in his game, cardio, wrestling, stand-up, everything seem to be improved. And although their previous fight seemed even, Usman’s strikes obviously did way more damage. One of the best weapons Usman has over Colby is his jab. He showed in fight with Burns that even with his jab, he is able to knock people out, against Colby, his jab broke American’s jaw. Also, knowing that Usman started training with Trevor Wittman, who is one of the best striking coaches, should let Colby worry, whether he should try and trade strikes with the current champion.
Covington C. vs Usman K. H2H
Both fighters faced each other only once and it was one of the best fights the Welterweight division ever had. It was even on the scorecards going to the 5th round and it would not be a surprise if we will see something like that again.