FunPlus Phoenix vs TOP Esports will play in 16th round of the LPL’s Spring regular split on 20th of April. Two of the best teams in the league will face off against each other in a must-watch match. To have more insights on this LPL FunPlus Phoenix vs TOP Esports e-Sports match, please check out the preview below.

FunPlus Phoenix

FunPlus Phoenix (11-4) are previous champions of both LPL and World’s championships. It’s kind of expected that they’re seemingly not playing at their 100% in this regular split, but they will for sure get better in the playoffs. With the addition of SKT’s former Top laner Khan, FunPlus got even more depth in their roster. While Khan is debatable individually strongest Top laner in the league, GimGoon is a better all-around player who can play different type champions. There are a lot of styles that this team can perform well on, so every game FPX plays it’s just something new. With the victory against TOP Esports, FPX would have very good chances to finish in 2nd spot, while for TOP Esports this match is also important for climbing the standings.

TOP Esports

TOP Esports (10-5) are currently in the 5th spot of the standings. JackeyLove have finally debuted on TOP Esports roster this season and the debut were great. With the easy 2-0 victory over 3rd best team in the LPL, eStar, TOP Esports are looking dangerous opponent to get in the playoffs, especially if they finish under 4th spot. TOP has great team coordination and they manage to make good decisions under pressure in the clutches moments. This ranks them as one of the few LPL teams to be able to do that. The match against former LPL champions will be a true indication on where are this TOP team standing in LPL exactly and what we may expect from them in the playoffs.

FunPlus Phoenix vs TOP Esports H2H

FunPlus Phoenix is leading the H2H by 3 victories to 2.